Bettolab 1 yeAr biRthdaÄy PArty 2 & 3 october 2015 from 18:00 Uhr

-.,*This is the 1 year BettoLab , we will rock you like our friend  freddy -mercurio cromo – mercury *.,-
Immagine in linea con il testo
Freitag 02.10.2015 ” first day of the birthday party “
from 18:00 Uhr we have a lot of stuff going on-.,-
The Bettoshow first edition!
The Bettoshow is a improvising talk show with many games, questions, performance, guests and experiment.
for the first edition we will present different artist, performer, dancer, musicians, all inside this big ball, going around bouncing form improvising and structure-.,-
Manuelo von Beruf will be the moderatore and the story teller
Will take part at the Show:
Pasquale Pontrandolfo: omnichord live concert
Teyler and Joel: “Dead eye ty” beatbox and rap live!
Joel: comedy about my alter ego ” Jürgend”
Miriam Doumi: Live gingle music with machines.
Clear Coast: dance performance.
Anja Trötchen: dance performance
-,.-,-.,.-,.-.–,And more and more guests-.,-.,.-.,-.,-,-.,.,-,-.
After the show start the TRash Ohne Grenzen PaRty”

during all the perfrormance there will be also a Special dinner contest:

The Culinary Contest ” who won will be the Masterchef of the Bettolab”
Leute Leute Leute man kann nicht alles übersetzten…

Antipasto/Vorspeise :
-Focaccia al Rosmarino e Pate D’olive
-Focaccine Del Sud (capperi, Tomaten&Zwiebeln)
Primo/Hauptgang (Sellerie versus Salbei):
-Maltagliati al Pesto di sedano
-gnocchi alla salvia,Gnocchi mit Salbei

Secondo/Zweitgang :
-Bistecchine di soya in salsa di lievito e mostarda con patate arrosto al timo (Soyasteak mit Senfsoße&Thymian-Bratkartoffeln)
-Pomodori Ripieni&Insalata di Zucchine (Gefüllte Tomaten mit Zucchini-Salad)
Dessert :
-Crema alla Ciliegia
-Cassata al Forno
Es wird einen kleinen kulinarischen Wettbewerb geben, Sizilien gegen Sardinien, Vegetarisch gegen Vegan, Frau gegen Mann…ein bisschen Alkohol in Spiel… der Spaß für Eure Münder ist gesichert, liebe LaBettolaB-Gäste!
10€ Minimum-spende, Reservierung sind nicht notwendig aber sehr willkommen (bis Donnerstag Abend)

During the dinner we will present different artist, performer, dancer, musicians, all inside this big ball, going around bouncing form improvising and structure-.,-
Manuelo von Beruf will be the moderatore and the story teller
Will take part at the Show:
Pasquale Pontrandolfo: omnichord live concert
Teyler and Joel: “Dead eye ty” beatbox and rap live!
Joel: comedy about my alter ego ” Jürgend”
Miriam Doumi: Live gingle music with machines.
Clear Coast: dance performance.
Anja Trötchen: dance performance
-,.-,-.,.-,.-.–,And more and more guests-.,-.,.-.,-.,-,-.,.,-,-.
After the show start the TRash Ohne Grenzen PaRty”
Saturday 03.10.2015 ” Second day birthday party” 
This is a music video night!
from 19:00 uhr always on my mind!
20:00 Uhr improvising music and video
Rieko Okuda Keyboard
Klaus Kürvers double bass
Philippe Lemoine tenor sax
VideoArt by: coldito-coldito-Manuelito
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