Liebe Freunden von Bettolab and not only.
we are proud to present you a very lovely new project taking place in Bettolab: is the Hosteria Popolare BettoMagno ——-
the big opening will be 20*21*22* of may 2016 from 18:00 Uhr
we will have antipasti, home made pasta, side dishes and dessert all made from our special italian crew.
we intend the food in the way our parents and ancestors teach us—we are not professional people, we use our knowledge and our creativity, you can trust the mamma kitchen, we will present you a new way of eating being together, in the very italian way.
the price will be popular, the ingredients will be fresh curated, same special things will come directly form italy. We will present a mix of tradition and new style, with a special care for the social aspect…dinners are the way to create a full sense experience and true this explore new way of staying together…
hope to see you all around,
like always our project without you are useless. We never can be alive alone.
manuelo and the BettoMagno crew-.,*